Week 8 Paddling
Morning OUCKC!
The vac is almost upon us but there is still time to get in some kayaking before the end of Hilary term.
Thursday at 8pm there will be drinks at the Uni Club. A great opportunity for some pleasant chat and some pleasant drinks (alcoholic or not).
Friday there will be a marathon session at 6.45am at Falcon Canoe Club. This is for people who want to cover longer distances in pointy boats and is amazing obviously. Please contact Lizzie, our new marathon rep, to find out more ( elizabeth.polgreen@linacre.ox.ac.uk ).
On Saturday there is a ladies canoe polo match. Please contact Annie to find out more and get involved! ( a.jwebster1011@googlemail.com )
Have a great week guys,
kayaking love,
Jen, OUCKC president